Tuesday, January 02, 2007
the last meme of 2006.
1. When is the last time you held hands with
- last night at St James.
2. You wake up as the opposite gender, what's the
one thing you'd do?
- OMG. buy a ton of dresses. or if i look absolutely hideous (which won't happen), i'd sign up for extreme makeover else fall asleep and pray that i'll grow back mah balls.
3. Have you ever crawled through a window?
- mmmm.. big ones yes, small ones no, i treasure my manhood.
4. Where is your mum?
- upstairs in her room.
5. Morning or night person?
- night. NIGHTLIFE! :)
6. What was the last movie you watched?
- 3 good men (San Ge Hao Ren) during NYE celebration with ivy and co. this was full, if thsoe that we fell asleep while watching, would be Little Nicky & I Not Stupid Too, all on NYE.
8. Any cool scars?
- one under my lower lip. i tink it's coz i fell down or something.
9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first.
- opposite sex? hair.
10. What do you do when no one is watching?
- pick my nose like a dog with rabies. ha.
11. Ever been in love?
- always have always willl.
12. What's something your friends make fun of you
- my bad taste in guys (nudges weiming and mandy), my crumbling house (nudges lifang adn bryan), my stumbling over words (nudges ivy and co.)
13. What is your curfew?
- no curfews, just mind games and guilt trips.
14. Would you ever dye your hair red?
- dyed before and colour lasted only 2 days. bah.
15. You + alcohol=
A) face down on table sleeping
B) walking all around the club looking to matchmake my friends (which some turned out quite well actually)
C) start talking non stop about how dry my hair is (or doing the PR thing of air kissing)
D) excessively stroking hair (on head) or hugging people with a big smile on my face.
E) being excessively bitchy
usually it's C,D, or E.
16. What's your worst personality flaw?
- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
17. What career would you wish to be in?
- Public Relations, Marketing.
18. Which country would you like to visit?
- Los Angeles with kayim and althea (ED HARDY!), Taiwan with family, Krabi with cousins, Adelaide with lover (this positions still available)
19. Do you want a well paying job or a job you
- enjoy. coz if i enjoy, i'll do it passionately and in turn will come promotions and pay raise.
21. Do you believe in needing a religion?
- yes
23. When were you last on the phone?
- with korkor george just now over a very stupid mistake on names.
24. What were the shoes you wore today?
- black gold converse shoes
25. Do you like maths?
- ARGH. maths make me mad
26. What about history?
- okay lar.
27. Have you ever seen 5 squirrels at one time?
- open season.
28. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
- no.
29. Do you have a brother?
- yea
30. Did your great grandad fight in the civil war?
- not sure of great grandad, but my grandpa was imprisioned by government suspected of being a chinese communist.
31. Who's your favorite person to talk to online?
- gorgeous mandy moo, yongmin, ernestt!, actually lotsa people.
32. Have you ever used photobucket?
- yes but stopped.
33. Do you like hugs?
34. Do you want to be a doctor?
- no, but i'd love a PHD. LOL.
35. Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your
- yes. very scary one.
36. What do you do right before you go to bed?
- put FRIENDS on 30 mins timer and watch till i fall asleep over and over.
38. Right when you get out of bed?
- pee. in. the. toilet.
39. Would you date a girl/boy with hair
longer than yours?
- girl yes. boy NO. yuck. no f4 twits pls.
40. Do you want to be famous?
- who doesn't.
41. Do you do your own laundry?
- no
42. Anyone on your mind at the moment?
- 2 .. hot.. ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 11:43 PM ã
Sunday, December 31, 2006
having a family dinner with BOTH sides of the family is like sitting in with the counsel of elders. such great opinions of current events, such as Saddam's execeution, GST prices, JC scandals and the like.
waiting for the CG to come over to countdown and i'm so drowsyy i coluld just ..... ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 8:29 PM ã
181 posts for 2006.
that averages to about 1 post for every 2 days.
but we all know that average is not a definitive answer.
"oh, you're of average weight" (that means you're about to be fat, you michelin man you)
"oh, you're of average standard" (buck up or you're expelled)
okay, maybe the latter is OTT.
so today's the last day of 2006.
i don't know, this year has been very mundane, my perspective of life is rather dulled and greyed. x'mas has come and gone, and there's not much oooomph about it. much less about NYE.
but i gotta give thanks to the Almighty of course, giving me the very youthful age of 19, being able to have the typical limbs, organs and all that working, giving me friends i love hanging out with.
but i gotta change my perspective. it's not funny being such a sorry dory everyday.
people say that i'm a extraordinarily happy person, and what has happened to me now? such a dulled out dried prune. nggggggh.
like i've told many of ya guys, burnt out from things.. there's replenishment.. but the source.ah that's debatable.
as much as i've made my decision for other certain things..
"When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with You above the storms.
Father You are king over the flood,
I will be still, (and) know You are God."
i remember i gave blog awards a few years ago on my upsaid.com (that's eons ago right) as well as my previous blogs and all that.. maybe i'll do it tonight or something if i have time. best song, best movie and all that.
also, i'm still torn between blogger.com or livejournal.com for 2007's blog. esp with NS coming up, i wonder if its even worth putting up a blog. coz if i don't have a blog, i'll internet less, meaning other more meaningful things will be achieved.
mmmmm. thinking too much again.
btw. CI? maybe i'm becoming a SI. lol. ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 1:31 PM ã
Friday, December 29, 2006
was reading mandy gorgeous pandy dandy moo soh (she isn't irish, she's just precious!) and saw her doing up her good and bad of 2006.
i'll do up one
which fyi is different from resolutions!
- having the extraordinary strength to pull through specs and having the commitment for such a long term project. it's such an eye opener even though i've been doing the producer role. everyday is indeed a learning journey.
- i finally got my first AD! in effective people management. yes, i've been whining to get an A, not alone an AD, so this is definitely thanking God for making the impossible possible!
- i won't say much about religion. much things are better left unsaid lest things might be misinterpreted and dispersed onto the grapevines.
- friends. in a sense, the people [outside of church] who have stuck with me through thick and thin, by that i mean kok hui fen denise aka KOK, cynique josh ho yong min, aka YM. these pals have been with me for like eons, and by eons, i mean past the year count, showing much loyalty and concern (even though one is attached hurhurhurhuhruhruhurhur) and i really thank God so much for putting you two in my life, coz you guys have persevered and seen me through my different emotional lapse and hurdles.
-church members, namely e374! it's been an exciting year, i don't know about tomorrow but i'll just cherish today. such a channel of blessing in my spiritual health is ivy who has never failed to speak the correct word in the correct season in my life. she really blows my mind on how much God can do through such a willing and obedient leader (with a heart of a servant). Joshua is also such a man who is able to balance his commitments (both church and secular). and he gives me little surprises that always pulls me through the day with a happy face. e374 is such a warm group, though we may not go out as often as other cgs, we're close when we meet up.
-Work. Thank GOD that i've been given Award Music School as a chance to start teaching, it has increased my financial input and hence given me a chance to be more generous with my chicas and friends.
-Work part II. InstantKarma has really been a turning point in my life, where i'm challenged to do intense marketing and sales of the products. Aside from being educated in independent sales (i.e one person in a shop), i've made a bunch of very happy people in the shop, and our inter-relationships have gone deeper with outings outside of work, such at Attica & St James, so heres cheers to my bosses C&J, Carine, Michelle, Ashila and of course, my darlingest mambo-is-to-the-left-to-the-left MANDY "GORGEOUS" SOH. :)
-Work part III. MOX. yes, another educational breakthrough in the area of nightlife. working under B has been very.. informative, i get to learn the different beers, wines and mixers that MOX sells, i guess again, you learn something new everyday. and i began to see that straight people aren't that narrow minded (contrary to previous encounters).
-Family. a Mother who is so patient kind and understanding. cousins who are always ready to go out with me. uncles and aunties who are ever so generous.
-Life. just basically being able to wake up everyday with oxygen in my lungs. is already a positive side of 2006. thank you God.
now, we move onto the less desirable..
- the NEGATIVES -.-
-not having a stable mind. like hello, i'm a walking timebomb at times, twice i snapped back at a person of authority.. thoughts of leaving and going down another road. and i'm still trapped at this vice.
-impatience. i struggle with this alot especially in the spiritual walk. period. enuff said.
-emo-ness. i cry alot to sleep at times. just thinking and thinking. refer to point 1.
-plastics. and i don't mean the bags from markets. just people in general. the rainbow circle in singapore is rather plastic, and i tend to sow into the wrong people's lifes. and i don't reap the benefits. aside from the rainbow world, school is tough, the people you work with, could be genuinely interested in making friends with you and doing a good job, some are just for the latter.
-tardiness / non-punctual. i seem to be late frequently for outings... especially in town.
-procrastination. nuff said too. i made a resolution mid year to keep my desk neat at all times, and now it's a 2nd clothes rack.
shan't name all my vices here, if not, i'll give a solution.. and that'll be a RESOLUTION.
so leave it for anothertime.
happy thanksgiving to e374, e333, w396, s35, n329, e328, e412, n353! (did i miss anyone out?) ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 1:42 AM ã
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Zouk yesterday night was baaaaaaaaaaad.
as always, i always laugh at Mambo, those straight men trying to do synchronised dance moves with a blardy straight face trying to impress the chicas? plssss. -.- lol. but i CONFESS i do it too once in a while. *nudges gorgeous*, but i can get away with it. coz "i IS hot SEX". :P
but didn't leave a good taste in my mouth (non literally speaking you perverts)
maybe it was just me not used to RnB music after so long (OMG. the last time was.. june with keshia @ MOS?)
maybe it was the weather and it's cold and hot scenarios within the club.
maybe it was the crowd. dumbass wannabe-black posers! trailer trash.
maybe it was the music, not really leh. i enjoyed Phuture quite a bit.. first time there.
maybe it was queueing. nah no, got signed in by darling wai yi. WHEE.
maybe it was the people there, YES, omg, freaking pushing their way in to Phuture is no no fun for me.
maybe it was not drinking. haaa.. could have made me less cranky either way.
maybe it was the company i was with? HELL NO. i was with gorgeous and her MDIS friends.. they were awesome and fun to hang out with. coz they is hot sex. HAHAHA.
maybe it was old friend C___ C____ who pangsay.. or yongmin whom i couldn't find where he was after his double O trip. mmmm. oh oh oh ! i saw a CHC member there too, scandalous right. wahhahaa. and she's quite well known. mmmmmmmmmmm. -zips-
maybe it was meeting so many familiar faces at Spize at 0330hrs. Franny Jacq from Cirque, Lania LUOHANYU! , Daryl from St James, the dude who works at NUM, Carl from MOX.
i'm such a butterfly. *social flutter social flutter*
and now, still truckloads of phelgm, i gotta swear off nightlife till Monday! St James Powerhouse. what a way to start the new year. and yes, resolutions are coming up soooooooon i suppose. ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 4:03 PM ã
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
let's take a little trip around itczys little town
in the itczytown city bussssss.
with x'mas eve and boxing day,
no gatorade and wasted-ness
becoz it's ...... *switches off music*
yes it's annoying isnt' it.
before working at bianco for bernice's party, (which was really an eye opener) i accompanied korkor george and newfoundfriend william to Ben's housewarming. Loadsa Alcohol / Wine to go around, complimented with fresh fruits of grapes, cherry and other seed-filled finger food. Of course, not forgetting the cheese that goes very nicely with the chardonnay and merlot. oh yeah, partying at Tabs with the colleagues at Mox. haha. they're damn funny.
ahh, ya gotta be there to know what it's like. it's awesome!
x'mas eve! service was goood. the play was funny but some parts fell flat, but overall it reminded me of love.
after having a delightfully delicious (oh alliterations) at cousin angel's house , the night was mainly working at MOX on x'mas eve hereby after celebration at Happy with Dillon and Bernice. Korkor george was spinning his swan song at Happy. didn't dance much, just mulled over something with dillon and bernice.
MERRY XMAS! yes yes, x'mas day, i kinda forgot what i did, but i woke up like in the afternoon and mulled around i guess. followed by meeting up with GORGEOUS! mandy pandy dandy moo to Vivo for her x'mas shopping. aside from getting chomel necklaces for my maid and aunty, we lucked out.
Weiming that slarrrrrt came later. it's been eons since i hung out with him sia. t'was great, having coffee nearby to St James was relaxing and the weather was cooling enough not for me to sweat perspire.
we went into St James Powerhouse through the guestlist which afterward mandy and weiming did something so evil but funny. shhhh.
the night was great aside from the lousy service (45 mins for freakin drinks). Music was great, bumped into so many familiar faces.. FSV shan, a lecturer and many hi-and-bye friends, not forgetting drunken stuporness such as _____________________________________.
Boxing day! worked at Cathay which was dull as dishwater. no one comes to cathay on boxing day!
Night was an annual boxing day dinner organised by Korkor Alvin & Royston & Co. at a friends house in the east. the house was GINORMOUS can. and the food was awesome, 2 roasts, pasta, OPEN BAR!~!! chatted till like 3am and alvin was nice enough to fetch me home.
and now i'm here with a tsunami truckloads of phelgm and getting ready for work and shopping with gorgeous, followed by MAMBO tonight at zouk. my sophomore appearance at that cheesy synch dance moves, and i hope BFF is coming too. YA HEAR ME FENG HUI -.- ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 12:53 PM ã
Thursday, December 21, 2006
i'm very satisfied with who i am and what i am now.
there are tinges of remembrance of what my promises were made. but i need to let it slip. the long term benefits are just too far for me to realise how much i need.
but all i need now, is self satisfaction.
emo moment is over (snap).
thank you so much mandy pandy moo moo gorgeous! :) i love the SUPERMODEL top (very apt!) and Aviators. i know this was such a paparazzi shot, but bear with it. coz i heart mandy! also, thanks fer the love offering.
watch out for your x'mas present. it's gonna blow you away... or at least move your hair a bit lar. HAHA.
forgot to comment on St James Powerhouse for DJ George Leong's (or affectionately known as George Kor Korrrrr) maiden performance there.

L2R Me, Kenny, Daryl
went with the instantkarma crew people (no pictures till JERALDINE comes up with it pls)
the crowd was ballistic, and hope that sales will go up due to all of us [cough*gorgeous*cough] wearing the instantkarmic clothings.. also, met a few loyal/regular customers there.
also bumped into kenny, greg, tim, daryl and pam. :) hence the picture!
the ceiling was quite high, and as tim mentioned, rather "impersonal" rather than attica. but more space = less body contact = happy itczy.
MOX is fun, learning the drinks and the ingredients, such an eye opener to my usual waitering at Sizzler, or retail at MOX, or piano at Award.
i guess i'm learning and learning. that's whats life is all about yeah.
ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 1:04 AM ã
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Dear Santa,i know i have been procrastinating on my christmas list for this year, but 6 days to christmas is still quite early in my last-minute-shoppers-opinion. So here are a few things that i woud like this christmas.

1. The Paul Smith Story EDT
i like it's peppery smell alone with its chic design. the odour lasts longer and i don't really want to smell like DKNY red/green apples all the time.

2. Creative Zen MicroPhoto 8GB player
yes, my creative muvo TxFM 256Mb player has served me well for the past 3 years, i feel that it's time to move on to classier things such as the microphoto. though it can't play video and i don't know what on earth will i use the photo thing for, i like it's size and capacity of 8gb. how cool is that?


3. Ed Hardy Men's Track Jacket, Cowboy Skull size SMALL.
Yes, dearest santa, you should know that i'm into the Ed hardy Designs and what christmas list is complete without that?

4. Abercrombie & Fitch Shorts
yes, probably the cheapest item of the lot, i have been surviving on using the old BUM shorts i found at the back of the closet and a discounted GANT berms, but Man does not live by 2 breads alone, he needs a totally new spanking oven.

5. NUM boy. HAHAHA. kidding
he's probably the friendliest NUM staff i've seen. he's at NUM Heeren Vintage Tees Outlet, the one next to RE-. i think his name is Kel. Him and his long haired colleague were very friendly and considerate to my demands of a nice vintage tee, so decided to dedicate one space just fer him.
not saying he's gay or anything PLEASE. -.-
Santa, that's all i want for christmas. But if you really want to know my Boxing Day List, New Years Eve List, New Years Day List, and Post New Year Day List. i'll be glad to list it out :)
Seasons Greetings,
ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 1:20 AM ã



so i'm semi happy. just for a while. and no, i don't sniff new clothes that much. i don't look fetch enough at the moment to properly pose. maybe an ed hardy catwalk when i feel like it.
kudos again to pam, cheryltan and KAIYIM. "JENNIFER" haha.. tabata, lv 4 zara and so much bitchings. wheeeeeee.. ã :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 12:32 AM ã