armorbearer (2006 blog): April 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006

from this.

to this.

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 12:27 AM 」

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

i realised that my previous entry was written out of anger and confusion.

i know that my armorbearee was really looking out for me, she has since corrected me and clarified any clouds of confusion between me and the other her. so i thank God for being so blessed in a sense that sunshine is here to stay.

i'm gonna have to ask you guys to let this thing pass. i hope NEVER to hear this from anyone EVER again.

Shar: oh, they did it rather meticulously with a cotton bud, using leftover hair dye (from my hair)

van: heh. thanks :) hope to see you around leh! ): nvm, just day 2 of sch only

keshia: MUAHAHA. YES. i'm bringing a wad of 5 dollar bills.

jEnn: thanks, but everythings cleared yo :)

*next hair mission: jet black with green patches.

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 12:12 AM 」

Sunday, April 23, 2006

why so freaking legalistic about my looks?

thou art too holy for thy coloured brows?

wad on earth is so wrong with neatening the brows? just coz of my past? because i was gay? like wtf.

tinting it? hello, wad on earth is wrong with that. thy brows shall be blacketh for thy obedience's sake?

then we shan't dye our hairs too. nor curl. nor rebond.


「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 10:32 AM 」

Saturday, April 15, 2006

if you're a "family" member and you can't help me, then forget it.

you're not born for adversity i suppose? but heck, i'll think twice when i help you again.

unconditional love? fine. but if you're gonna be all flaky, you can jolly well sod off.

i'm pretty fine without you.

PS: don't ask me nor tag about this. just an outlet of anger.

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 1:53 AM 」

Thursday, April 13, 2006

still researching on which song to sing for this year's EMERGE talentime ..

recommends please... i'm a tenor (not a bass), but neither am i stevie wonder to sing so woowee high..

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 1:21 AM 」

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

this house is not a home.

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 2:43 AM 」

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Quality Time
with a secondary love language being
Acts of Service.

Complete set of results

Quality Time: 9
Acts of Service: 6
Receiving Gifts: 6
Words of Affirmation: 5
Physical Touch: 4


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz


yes, the much talked about Love Languages. do take one and tag on the board what's yours. it might do wonders to our friendship! :)

people who MUST do.


hehe. please? (((:


seems that i've changed, when i first came in, i was super insecure and paranoid that i constantly needed Words Of Affirmation but now, after maturing in the Word, i'm more of a pragmatic but still bible-believing believer (wow), so Acts of Service has over taken its place. and i love love love spending time with my love ones.

SO, if i've spent time with you within the past 1 month, guess what?


「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 2:32 AM 」

Sunday, April 09, 2006

apparently i broke up with my side column and right now she's running away from me, and our beloved baby, the tag board whoopee.

but in the settings template @ .. everything seems fine, heck, even the preview lar.

NGEH. whatever. pfft.


this morning's student was this close into making me commit murder unto him. my patience is wearing thin, especially on the boys, yesterday's wasn't a carnival too. absolutely refusal to play the note i ask him to play (and sod off to all those who think i'm torturing them or can't teach for nuts, let's see how you handle a extremely """"SHY"""" 5 year old boy)

cellgroup was good. i love pre-evangelistic outreach sermons (cg/svc) .. it's all about prepping yourself to be a good witness. and how to effectively share the gospel. i've got my target, it's my cousin denise, and she's been on my mind since last night during worship and i really cried my eyes out visualising. could this be a sign? hmmm. but nvm, pressing into her life begins now! :)

and finally, project meeting @ spinellis forum (it's really a quaint and cozy corner tucked into the higher-but-quieter end of Orchard) .. and after 3 hours of sitting there, i started doing crazy stuff like picking my nose in front of rachel, start bombarding zul with chinese songs, do the retarded korean youtube dance (rem those 2 sch girls? check my previous posts)

ahh. and now, i'm stuck at home, whilst a big group of approx 28 adults (whom, i believe their combined ages can be a cute total of 1296) are whimsically having their meal downstairs. Whilst i, the only non-senile one am forced to occasionally pop my cherry head down and up just to smile and act as if i'm really into talking about who-passed-away-this-month or what the government is doing with regards to Thaksin's stepping down, or even the upskirt at the recent supermarket by the radiologist. Mum DID mention SOMEONE in the MEDICAL FIELD whom my DAD was OKAY friends with SUDDENLY couldn't make it tonight.

hmmm.. co-incidence?

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 8:34 PM 」

just got back from celebrating Keshia's birthday (or at least the start of her "1 week celebration" hehe) at cocolatte where she's interning.. the place is kinda small, but cozy and it's not as smoky as one might have thought.. i love the music though! totally RnB..

it's damn great to ketch up with her since like.. omg, charlie's breakdancing competition last year march? haha. she's still as sweet as ever.

kesh: no matter what happened this evening/morning, i still <3 like siao k. :) love ya.

well, in 5 hours time, i need to be in Katong mall by taking the friggin long bus 16. wow. be still, my tired heart.

nvm, PERSEVERENCE! You didn't bring me thru fire to let me fall down yo.

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 3:26 AM 」

Thursday, April 06, 2006

went to see cousin Tze Law's concert.

YONG SIEW TOH CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 05/06 Conservatory Orchestra Series

of Brahms & Saint-Saens


it was wonderful, after taking a mega-long hiatus from the classical music scene in Singapore (if you can even CALL it a scene).

fwoar, the crowd was a myriad of stereotypes.

there was the school NERD. (most were from ACS) with specs and a less-than-desirable complexion. don't get me wrong, they do know their stuff, after eavesdropping on a conversation. i was left with a puzzled mind and a huge desire to purchase a nearby music dictionary and define each and every other word they spoke.

there was the EAGER BEAVER FEMALE SEC SCH STUDENT. prolly rushing from piano class or something, all decked ou in the latest Crumpler + uniform. And yes, some DID bring in a not too desirable aroma. to quote myself "smells like teen spirit".

then, there was the FLAMBOYANT GAY, the one all decked out with a tribal necklace, matching a striped shirt with tight (leather) pants, going all around, fluttering ala social butterfly, "daaaawwwwwwling! fawncy seeeing you here at SUCH an IMPECCABLE time *air kiss left cheek* *air kiss right cheek*"

also, the FLAMBOYANT METROSEXUAL, different league from the forementioned. these are the quiet, steel cold glaring ones with very desirable complexions, probably here accompanying a musically inclined girlfriend or their musically educated grandaunt.

next, the WELL TO DO AUNTIES. yes, all decked out in Gucci, Jimmy Choos, Versace, LV and all that jazz, with sparkling brooches that bounce off the spotlights from above. probably bringing their little children to (hopefully) ingnite some unknown musical talent in them. And tagging along (albeit reluctantly) is the WELL TO DO UNCLE, whom, by my observation, is just there to tame the kids and to do business with a musically inclined client (what a mouthful)

then, theres the PLAIN AUNTIES. adorned with a simple sweater and plain skirt, no bling bling. here to truly appreciate the finer (and less materialistic) things in life. they know their bachs from a beethoven, and their flats from their sharps.

oh, COOL BOYS. yes, in their ULTrA CoOlZ OP T SHIRT and black necklaces with a silver pendant, nike dunks. All CoOls. but didn't see many of THESE around, so they may know some stuff.

and finally, there are the MISC SNOOZERS. yes, after the first movement, you see their heads happily going round and round the circumference of their fist that has been nicely placed on the armrest. somehow it makes a nice synch with the music.


oh and the coup de gras.

a conversation happened between my mum and i, which started with a comment by my 6th aunt whilst waiting for the performance to start.

6th aunt: eh, look in front of you, this woman, a lot of cleavage leh.

me: *squirms uneasily in my seat*

mum: aiya, this is nothing hor *nudges me*, back in Krabi, we saw so many women topless. angmoh women. very big!! *hand sign*

me: ya, there were so many topless women around it wasn't even FUNNY anymore.

mum: aiya, if papa was alive, he would wanna look at this. i also would wanna see the action.

me: *jerks head around* WHAT?!

mum: ya wad, appreciate the finer things in life mah.

me: don't you wanna look at like... male privates and stuff instead?

mum: aiya, why for? so ugly. Women always naturally look better than man.

me: so let's get this straight, if you look at boobs, papa would look at erm.. *AheM* lar?

mum: nono, we both go for the same thing, breasts.

me: i didn't know you had lesbian tendencies.

mum: i'm not lesbian, i just like looking at good things.


all hail my mummy the cutest mother on earth. HAHA.


and now, as i wrap this up, i've got a bloody high fever. if you love me, pray for me!


「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 11:08 PM 」

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

eh. i'm kinda sick of this layout. time to find something with more pizzaz. hehe.

oh yeah. i'm about to go meet van for sentosa very soon, but apparently, AGAIN i'm procrastinating, so thus i've made up a list (oh, how all C people love them) of things i wanna do before the holiday ends.

1. get a person saved for Easter 2006.
2. get a nicely brown bronze l'exotique tan.
3. get my upper body toned up.
4. ditto for my lower body.
5. highlights for my hair! (fyi: the red vanished)
6. waxing.. hmmm. gotta think about this.
7. adjust my piano teaching schedule.
8. touch up the script for IBP.

particularly worried for #8, i feel so ngeh when i had to tell them i HAD to go to Adelaide to see my bro's campus.

and worse still, a lot of things are clashing right now, not good not good.

argh. okay. enough rambling, decipher wut ya want from the words above..


「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 9:49 AM 」

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

on the way home from teaching music (the frickin' long 16 bus ride home).. guess who i bumped into?


all glam and .. fragrant smelling (ngeh, dun ask why). yeah, but seriously what are the chances? anyway, her friends said my hair looks.. orange.. and then PURPLE (But i swear he's kidding, though the rest told me that he's colour deficiency syndrome. err..)

anyway, all the best for the upcoming competitions Sniper Queen. let's play CS soon. i shall FRAGFEST in cini ice_age ice_world soon! :)

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 12:23 AM 」

Monday, April 03, 2006

i don't see how my hair is pink. it is RED. RED RED RED RED RED.

if i'm in denial. let it be done!


「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 12:57 AM 」

Saturday, April 01, 2006

back from Krabi. 129 pictures in total, exclude the narcisst photos.. i've got.. 100. yes i'm improving. spare the applause.

okay, throughout the nights in Krabi, i've been jotting down what seems like a journal of the day. and you lucky buggers get an insight perspective of what goes on in isaactimothychanzhiyang's brain. so again, spare the applause.

note: some ramblings. some nonsensical. some spiritual. approach with caution.


Day 1 Singapore > Krabi

okay, so it's already 3 hours onto arriving in Krabi & i'm so bored outta my life! My family has gone touring the nearby village whilst I decided to stay in. Reason being i only slept an hour the night before. I reall ywanna fall asleep under teh sun, but at the poolside, there's only angmohs, but the sun has suddenly shone so frickin' brightly! welllll, the hotel isn't too bad. But the gym is an abysmal, green coated weight machine and yoga matt. ngeh.

But the plus side is that i've been lazing on the bed for hte past 2-3 hours whilst watching "Man on Fire" starring Dakota Fanning + Denzel Washington. Seems I'm only a movie fan when i'm abroad.

As i'm here literally ( i mean literally) rotting my life on this chocolate-covered bedsheet, i start to wonder what life would be if certain circumstances didn't happen, but i quickly (and oftenly) snap back to reality as i refuse to let my mind wander.

Yesterday night, i was talking to a close confidante, and she quoted "beauty 4 ashes" .. which is forgetting the past and looking toward a future. I'm hardly at the ashes stage yet, i'm still burning. oh well done itczy, acknowledging but not doing anything about it? i'm procrastinating la. shucks.

oh yeah, budget terminal has DFS! Absolut Raspberri @ $24.00 omg!!! :)

*edit/- back from Dinner at the village. but apparently i was too lazy to take my camera. bought some DVDs and a good von dutch big casing. u'll see it soon lar.

Tomorrow will be snorkelling! whee! going to an island to TAN and SWIM and SNORKEL!

I do miss a few people, you should know who you are by now. :P


Day 2 Krabi > 4 islands tour > Krabi

Aside from an adequate + average buffet spread, the whole day was really rather much spent on the surrounding 4 islands near Ao Nang. Before leaving ,we walked at the pier area (same area as last night's shopping extravaganza) stocked up on lunch and off we went.

We had a personalised boatsmen + boat, the guys name is Chin! Boat #85- the Voyager. Nebuchezzdnar it ain't. Pruple glazed with colourful ribbon at its helm. (the boat, not him).

1st stop - Poda island!

(k picture not much of an island, but heck) snorkelling was great, explored nearly hte whole stretch of the island. did sadistic stuff like poking a sea cucumber with a stick, chasing fast fishes and prying open a clam. haha.

2nd stop - Chicken Island!

if you can see from the photo, the island's obviously named after that stone structure. we didn't exactly land on the beach, but snorkelled nearby, at the deep areas. (add: i look like fat can?)

I could vaguely remember my last snorkelling experience. 14 years ago approx, i jumped down a boat with my mum @ indonesia, i looked down into the water and 3 effing big SEA URCHINS were happily staring back at me, sticking out its spikes (fyi : they HAVE eyes and mouth) and DURING THAT DIVE, i saw one. like a spiked up bowling ball. ngeh. oh well, thank God i overcame that fear.

Aside from that "trauma", snorkelling was damn fun and cool lar, the fishes and corals never looked better. It beats watching Discovery Channel, and feeding the fishes with bread is le fabeleux!

3rd Stop : ________ island (forgotten)

nothing much for this island, we went to explore the cave nearby, which was just a mini trail, ho hum. And as we went deeper into the island, we saw a rock climbing wall, where people -duh- rockclimb.

After a slight booboo of going to the wrong beach, we finally set sail for Home Ho! i've gotten rather tanned, but FATTER. i can't stop complaining lar, i'm balloooning.

Night was spent watching "Rising Sun" Starring wesley Snipes + Sean Connery. I like the asian background and the action sequences showed how traditional editing was last time. ngeh. almost fossilized.

later on in the night, i watched one of Cameron Diaz's better early films, the Last Supper.

the stories about these group of uni students who would kill anyone who disagrees with their political views. an excellent twist in the end, and the black american dude (where did he go btw?) gives such a good potrayal of the psychotic leader of the pack.

Tomorrows going to be one last island. Following day is free and easy ( i like that )!


Day 3 Krabi > ??? island > Krabi

so i'm finally getting into aquaman mode (no jokes here, please) when to my realisation that we were visiting only 2 islands today

first island was a mangrove swamp lar. we just went into this shallow pool of water surrounded by tall mountains to laze around.

whilst the parents started talking about chemical compounds (i know, like wtf right) ... (and cousin matthew not interested in their conversation at all, God bless his soul hehe)

i was happily snoozing and camwhoring aaway.

after what seemed like an eternity, we set sail towards Hong island or something like that. the f-annoying sea bugs that were near the shore irritated me to no end, so i decided to snorkel again! whehehehee.

I explored the bay area and saw schools of fishes & began to feed'em till no end & the brown types even bit my hand. and they weren't shy about it.

to quote aunty pris, "the brown ones chiongster, they chiongster, the brown ones chiongster one you know" (direct quotation, Priscillla Chern, 2006)

I agree, i didn't like the bigger brown ones. they kept on nibbling whilst the smaller ones just bit and swim bit and swim.

oh well, but that wasn't the coup de gras , i finally saw a fricking real life jelly fish in FRONT OF ME. LESS THAN 100m away. like ohmygosh right.

you know, one of my life's accomplishments is to see a jellyfish up close and personal. Thank you God! :) it was one of the first marine creatures i fell in love with, (that and sea urchins). It was like this big mass of pink agar-jelly like substance, happily floating around the shore.

At night, we went to downtown Krabi. and had some delicious tzechuan food. not much shopping though, but the tuktuk ride back to Ao Nan was somehow serenading and comforting, as i looked into the sky above, saw those bright stars shining. GOD <3s>


DAY 4 KRABI > KRABI > KRABI (okay, not funny. hey! that rhymes!)

as the femme fatale de trio (i didn't learn french, so sue me) [read : the matriach and her accomplices] explored some nearby beach, me and thecousin decided to have an image makeover and tadaaaa.

i know, it was brown base + red highlights, but apparently, the contrast wasn't that striking, so now i got a pink coiff. excellente. oh, and i dyed my eyebrows brown too. to match the invisible brown base. oh joy.

didn't wanna cut my hair in Thailand, i'm afraid of a breakdown in communication which would lead to a break down in follicle style which would inevitably lead to a break down of yours truly. narf.

oh and guess wad show the matriach, me and ah yi watched while killing time? wouldn't you believe it?

amazing, such a corny film would make me interact with the matriach. oh well! good dinner though, some asian resteraunt, excellent green curry!


Day 5 Krabi > Singapore

yeah, nothing much, reached home around noon, and went out with mavis, liling and yingying. then met up with pearly for dinner. (((: i'm happy things are back to normal. no more snorkelling though. sighhhhh.


major long post, but worth it.

「 :x all the boys stomp your feet like this x: 12:26 AM 」